Coptic Medical Society Meeting of 23.11.2002 at St Mary and Archangel Michael Church, Golders Green, London.

Mr Onsy Luca led a fascinating and informed discussion on various tax issues. He particularly highlighted that any donation to a charitable organisation should attract extra funds to the charity. On submission of a receipt for the charitable donation to the Inland Revenue, for every £100 given, the Inland Revenue will pay the charity an extra £28 and the tax payer will be given a reduction in tax of a further £18, assuming that the person is a higher rate taxpayer. The charity may be overseas i.e. Egypt, provided that a valid receipt is submitted the above scheme applies. Talk to your accountant !

thirdmeetingNabil Raphael presented “Drs who followed Christ”. Medicine is full of eminent Christian doctors. Big names like Lister, Hodgkin and Paget were all committed Christians. Magdy Yacoub is an example to follow in his many charitable works. Mohsen Naguib, who served the Coptic community tirelessly till his sudden departure in 1993, is a great example of a doctor who truly followed Christ.

Father Philopatier, who was an orthopaedic surgeon in Egypt and now serves in Wales, explained that a Christian doctor could serve both the physical and spiritual needs of the person. In a loving and humble way, he showed us how we can have a spiritual journey during everyday work. Father Polycarpos, who serves in Bournemouth and who was also a doctor before being called to the monastic life, kindly gave a copy of his new book “An Overview of the Coptic Church” to each member present at the meeting .

Michael Boneh managed to get an ultrasound scan machine (almost new) and is shipping it to Kenya to Bishop Boulos for use in the local Coptic hospital. Michael recently went to Kenya and was enthused by the great work that he saw going on there. Thanks to Michael and to all those who helped in this initiative. If you have any items, such as instruments/ disposables that could be sent to Kenya please contact.

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