Please help justice for the families of the victims

Call for Justice: Investigation into the New Years Coptic Church Alexandria

Target: Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, Prime Minister Essam Sharaf
Region: Egypt



The Families of the victims and many Egyptians wish to express their disillusionment that over 9 months has passed since the tragic explosion outside the Two Saints Church in Alexandria, Egypt that happened minutes into the New Year 2011 without any prosecutions or evidence of this hideous attack even been investigated. This terrorist attack resulted in the loss of 21 lives and over 100 severely injured. There is growing fears of the apparent unwillingness to make any attempts to bring those responsible to justice which could be a major contributing factor in the sudden increase attacks against Copts. Only justice can end the daily suffering and anguish of the families. This must be seen to be done promptly and with undue delay. Accordingly we call for :

  • We respectfully call upon the Prosecutor General , Prime minister and Minister for Interior to open the investigation immediately and pursue the suspects in the original investigation and also comply with formal complaint no.7870 demanding former interior minister suspect Habib El-Adly stand trial for his alleged involvement.
  • We ask the prosecutor General to explain the basis on which he ordered the release of the suspects and circumstances surrounding that decision. We also request him to cancel the media blackout order and to publish the full results of the investigations to date .
  • We ask the Prime Minister to order the interior Ministry to open the investigation immediately following the recommendations of the state prosecutors which is yet to be implemented.
  • To compensate the victims and their families in line with the 25th January revolution compensation schemes.

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