Tag Archives: Pioneer Doctors

Professor Naguib Pasha Mahfouz (1882 – 1972)

Professor Mahfouz is looked upon as the father of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Egypt. He was the first professor of the speciality in Egypt and the Middle East. He established the first midwifery school in Egypt. His book on obstetrics “The Art of Midwifery and Obstetrics” remains a classic until this day. He established the […]

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Dr Helena Sidarous (1904 – 1998)

The first Egyptian female Doctor. Born in Tanta in 1904..after her primary education she joined the “Siniyyah” boarding school in Cairo and afterwards the Teachers College..at the end of the second year she was sent in a mission to London in 1922 to specialise in Maths, she and Zainab Kamel being considered of the first […]

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Dr Georgy Sobhy (1884 – 1964)

Georgy Sobhy was born in Cairo where he lived with his father, who was a manager in an arsenal factory. His mother died a week after he was born. Dr Harper, the manager of Harmel Hospital in Cairo fostered Gorgi and the family brought him up as a twin brother to their own son who […]

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Dr Ibrahim Mansour (1860-1930)

Ibrahim Mansour was born around 1860 AD in the city of Cairo from an honourable and distinguished family known as “Fanous the Great”. When he grew up he joined the “General Patriarchal School” in Azbakia where he was educated and graduated thoroughly perfected in sciences and knowledge. He had predisposition towards serving humanity and advancing […]

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