Help Needed


There are two exciting opportunities you might be interested in:

  • To join a team who visits Egypt on a yearly basis to see patients in deprived areas, as well as visit monasteries and convents to see patients there. These trips have been taking place for the last 10 years.

A group of Coptic doctors from America (The Christian Coptic Health Professionals (CCHP) California USA) visit Egypt every November for about 10 days.Last November they stayed for 2 days in Sohag, 2 days on El Menya and other deprived areas. An example of work being done included a pain relief specialist who was able to administer various nerve blocks and epidural for chronic pain. There is particular need for expertise from a rheumatologist, a dermatologist and preferably a female gynaecologist, as well as other specialties. The emphasis is on clinical management and reassurance, making use of tests the patients have already had in the hospitals.

This year the team was joined by Sami El-Oskoff, a British trained urologist, who now lives in Egypt. He both enjoyed and felt that the 10 days were a worthwhile exercise. If you are interested the trip is taking place in November 2009.

Co-ordinator is Magdi Mikhael: Tel: 0019097309986 Email:

  • To become a hospital manager, to run one of the hospitals that Bishop Boulos looks after in Africa. Ideally, the candidate will be clinically trained and have expertise in management. If you are approaching retirement or have just retired, why not consider a year in Africa running a hospital?

Bishop Boulos was very grateful for all the equipment that the Coptic Medical Society donated, in particular the ultrasound and theatre equipment. A medical engineer managed to operate all the machines, which were distributed between Kenya and other African countries.

The society would like to thank Magdi Basillious for his outstanding contribution in supporting the hospitals in Africa.

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