Trustees annual report for the year ending 31st March 2008

A combined Annual general and trustees meeting was held in Birmingham on 14/12/2008.

The meeting was attended by the following doctors:
Fayek Youssef, Magda Youssef, Essam Dimitry, Maria Dimitry, Isis Neoman, Monier Neoman, Kamel Sharobeem, Magdy Labib, Afaf Labib, Father John Albair, Hebba Asaad, Mervat Labib.

Appologies were sent by the following doctors:
Nabil Raphael, Michael Georgy, Samia Samy, Magdi Bassilious, Magdy Michael.

In the meeting:

  1.  Approval of last year minutes record.
  2.  Approval of the accounts treasurer’s report presented by Essam Dimitry.
  3. How to encourage juniors to use medicine to serve God and people? Doctors are in touch with people in the desperate need of sickness. It is sometimes the best and last opportunity. It is important that we can listen, help, guide and the patients will feel the love of God. The concept of the mission is sometimes wrong in the views of some. Some feel that they have to leave medicine to go to Africa? Our mission is within our profession. Books, audiovisuals, famous Christian doctors should be part of our web site. Dr. Hebba Asaad was nominated and agreed to take an active role in leading the junior medical society activity with the help of Dr. Mary Salama and Maria Dimitry.
  4.  How to serve doctors (both medical students and doctors) spiritually, socially and medically was an issue the CMS was keen to establish in its activities. Last year in the combined Annual general and trustees meeting (December 2007), Kamel Sharobeem, Samia Samy, Father John Albair and Maria or Claire were nominated. Everybody was grateful for the Centre Park very successful meeting which achieved our goals. Everybody welcomed this Easter meeting of the doctors and their families becomes an annual meeting. Kamel Sharobeem kindly agreed to lead it once more to which everyone was grateful.
  5.  Magdy Michael was taking the role of increasing the number of members & collecting e-mails for ease of contact with the members.
  6.  Thanks to M Bassilious for the excellent CMS leaflet of activity.
  7.  Bishop Paul of Africa is grateful for the medical equipment (£70000 ) which was sent to Africa. He reported to the Chairman that every piece of equipment was being efficiently used to serve the community in Africa through his three now established hospitals. He also asked for doctors help and expertise to serve in those hospitals.
  8. St Mina hospice, Fleming, Alexandria (£50000 ) is now in the final stages to help in palliative care, pain relief, physiotherapy. The roof garden and activity hall for day surgery have now been completed.Obstacles are being sorted regarding the release of equipment and furniture from customs in Alexandria.
  9.  New trustees are proposed:
    • Dr Mary Salama.
    • Mark Goss
  10.  The meeting members were particularly grateful to Fayek and Magda for hosting the meeting.

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