Medical & Dental students meeting

On Sunday the 15th January, The Coptic medical society had a meeting for the medical and dental students; there was a great turnout of 20 or so members. We met in café pasta in high street Kensington, where we had the pleasure of listening to two fascinating talks by Dr George Hanna a Consultant in Surgery from the Department of Surgical Technology and Oncology at Imperial College London.

First he spoke about the future of medicine, and tissue approximation and what he believes future medical advances will be in this field. His second talk was on how to asses performance, a very interesting and thought provoking lecture, explaining how modern technologies and software can be used to asses surgical ability.

Afterwards we all shared together a wonderful meal thanks to the society, it was a great meeting and we shall look forward to similar gatherings in the future.

About Nabil Raphael

Dr Nabil Raphael is the President of the Coptic Medical Society.

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