Pope Shenouda Honours Prof. Sir Magdy Yacoub

popeThe Coptic community honoured Professor Sir Magdy Yacoub in a joyful occasion attended by His Holiness Pope Shenouda at the Royal Society of Medicine on Saturday 26th January 2002. His Holiness travelled to the UK to take part in this celebration. He described Professor Sir Magdy as a genius who inherited such genius from his ancestors the Pharaohs.

His Holiness expressed his thanks for treatment Sir Madgy had given to the many patients he personally sent him. Their treatment was given free, made possible through the charity “Chain of Hope” founded by Sir Magdy in 1993. In recognition of his great work and dedication His Holiness presented him with the Medal of St Mark.In reply, Sir Magdy expressed his gratitude to His Holiness. He acknowledged and thanked his team of medical professionals and charity workers without whom such work would not have been possible.

The celebration was attended by the Bishops and Clergy from the Coptic church and many representatives from other orthodox churches. His Excellency, the Egyptian Ambassador spoke in praise of Sir Magdy. The celebration was also attended by the Consul General and a large number of members of the Egyptian Embassy. Dr Hassan Ismail orated a most impressive poem he had written in honour of His Holiness and Sir Magdy. Many medical colleagues of Sir Madgy attended the occasion. In all 225 people were present on this happy occasion. The media was represented by the BBC World Service, El Ahram, Watani. The event was also broadcast on Egyptian satellite television.

About Nabil Raphael

Dr Nabil Raphael is the President of the Coptic Medical Society.

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